General information about the role
Workplace: INRAE Montpellier, South of France (UMR IATE, ePOP group) INRAE: the place where science is dedicated to life, humans, and the earth.
Contract: 1 year renewable 2/3 times.
Expected starting date: February 2024.
Proportion of work: full time- Flexible working hours-8 weeks’ holidays year.
Gross remuneration: 2604 up to 3293 €/month depending on experience.
Skills: spontaneous anticipation and proactive interactions with people. Highly motivated by circular economy and environmental stakes.
Fluent English speaker and strong scientific paper writer.
Essential qualifications to be demonstrated in the CV: High level Master/Engineer degree
or PhD in environmental, life, material or agricultural science. High proactive team player
capabilities in real conditions, Knowledge in life cycle analysis.
By email: letter, CV + publications list.
Your mission
You will be involved in a collaborative International research project, as a cohesive element of the coordination team. The project aims to extend the agricultural production value of two major playersof the global bioeconomy: EU and China, by eco-efficiently upgrading underexploited residues into a portfolio of high added-value bio-products able to substitute oil-based equivalents, such as plastic materials. The project associating 35 partners-half academic, half private- is financed by the European Commission (Horizon Europe) and the Chinese Ministry of Science and Technology. You are expected to strongly interact with a panel of leading European and Chinese academic and industrial partners.
You will support the AgriLoop scientific coordination team to initiate, organize and facilitate a range of planned collective scientific activities, according to the predefined project agenda. These activities include stakeholders’ events, consortium meetings, training session, webinars, young scientists’ networks or even collective position papers, in close relationship with the scientists and others people in charge of these events. This implies to cultivate and value relationships with all types of partners within the consortium and also beyond at the European and international levels with the European Commission officer, representative, others projects coordinators, industries etc. Anticipation and proactive interactions with all will be the key of the success in your work. In addition, and in parallel, you will be offered to be involved in specific activities
of the ePOP research group related to ecological organic materials development, depending on your profile and willing. This last aspect should be discussed with you.
The AgriLoop project: AgriLoop will develop safe-and-sustainable-by-design bioconversion processes integrated in a cascading biorefinery approach, to convert a range of agri-residues into plant and microbial proteins, polyesters and other bio-based chemicals to be used for food, feed, health and materials