Institute of Chemical and Biological Technology, Universidade NOVA de Lisboa

The Institute of Chemical and Biological Technology is part of the University NOVA de Lisboa with objective and mission to serve the society at the local, regional and global level, through the progress and dissemination of knowledge and understanding between cultures, societies and people, by way of a teaching and research of excellence and of a provision of services based on a strong sense of community.

In Agriloop, the Institute of Chemical and Biological Technology (ITQB) is involve into the characterisation of the structural and biological properties of the extracts from food waste.

This specific task is particularly interesting to design thermal and/or mechanical resistant materials from these food waste.

Key people

Key people

Professor Cristina Silva Pereira


Based in Lisbon – Portugal

Currently, Associate Professor and the Head of the Applied and Environmental Mycology group at ITQB NOVA, Portugal

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