Federació de Cooperatives Agràries de Catalunya

The Federation of Agricultural Cooperatives of Catalonia (FCAC) holds the public representation of agri-food cooperatives and, by extension, of the rural world

This mandate, contained in the company’s articles of association, authorizes it to carry out with the Administration and any other entity of the economic and social environment the acts useful for the defense of the general interests of the agricultural cooperative sector.

The Federation has representatives who act as spokespersons for Catalan cooperatives in more than 120 tables, bodies and commissions of public and private institutions of Catalan, state or European scope. In these forums, the federation works to influence areas as diverse as agribusiness, the environment, territory, business and the social economy.

FCAC partner is involved in the project as task leader in the organization of training and webinars but also with the objective to deliver good practices for famers and bio-based sector and policy recommandations.

They help to develop business concept of valuable sustainable value chains and also, to integrate feedstock & valorisation pathways potential.

Key people

Key peopl

Màrius Simon

Màrius Simon profile: Biologist. Working in FCAC since 2012 coordinating R+D+I activities. Main role in AGRILOOP: coordinate FCAC participation in AGRILOOP, mainly through the knowledge of the farmers’ needs and transfer the new value chains obtained to the farmers

E-mail address: marius.simon@fcac.coop


Diana Molina Delgado

The Agricultural Cooperatives Federation of Catalonia (FCAC) is an association of SMEs located in Catalonia, Spain, whose main objective is to defend the interests of the cooperatives by giving them advice and services. As a Grant and Project Manager Technician in FCAC, Diana advises cooperatives in R&D and sustainable agrifood production.

E-mail address: diana.molina@fcac.coop
